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Missing Registry members

Posted: January 19th, 2008, 12:25 pm
by FV80
The new US Formula Vee website has been 'debuted' and the FV Registry is coming along nicely at 219 members as of this morning. There are still quite a few of you that have not updated your info with the new fields - please do so when you have a chance. I took a few minutes and looked over the entries for the last 2 year's Runoffs and the SARRC Points list and found 44 names that SHOULD be in the registry that I do not have contact info for. I found it interesting that we have a considerably higher percentage of national drivers registered than regional - at least in SEDIV. If you know how to reach any of these folks, please contact them and ask them to sign up in the Registry. The more we get, the better this will work for the Community. Don't forget to contact anyone else you know that's NOT on the list and might not be in the registry and get them to sign up as well. There are MANY that are not on this board. Please pass the word along. And, oh yeah - if YOU haven't signed up, .... need I say more? :mrgreen:

Names: (from official online listings) - I know several that are on this board - at least occasionally
Roger Siebenaler
Mike Saltenberger
Nick Grapsas
Jay and/or Nelson Mason
Paul McClorey
Bill Wallschlaeger
David Taube
Stu Delaney
Mark Felsen
Phillip Trinder
Vic Richter
Paul Taylor
Paul Tucker
Robert DePalma
Asa Chandler
Malcomb Sharpe
John Giordano
Zan Smith
James Doyle
Rick Shields
John Wright
Gary Dassinger
Carl Dassinger
Greg Hastings
Steve Ira
Bill Darling
William Coursey
John Mascho
Sidney Muse
Bill Ferguson
Warren Keith
Bill McCaw


Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: January 19th, 2008, 1:35 pm
by FVartist
Al Olinger is now 82 and still does not use his computer to access his email much less any forum. I can tell you he is still alive and is planning to go to the runoffs again this year. His son Jeff is coming back to Vee's after a 20 year or so break. I will get in touch with him and have him post the info for both he and his Dad.

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: January 19th, 2008, 4:31 pm
by FV80
OK - that's ONE down. (Actually, I see we have 3 more signed up today :P ) Still more to go though. It sure would be nice to get EVERY Vee - at least every Vee that's internet active. Is there any reason why a Vee racer would NOT want to sign up?

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: February 4th, 2008, 1:43 pm
by FV80
OK - we've gotten a few more entries in the Registry, but only 6 of the list at the start of this thread. I have edited the list to remove those that have recently submitted info. Let's get out there and FIND those other people - at least 90% of them HAVE to have email addresses 8) . And keep looking for anyone who might not be on the list.

Current member count is 246 - current 'ACTIVE' & 'FV' drivers count is 123 - that includes regional, national, scca and every other sanctioning body. We KNOW there are more out there. We would really like to get them in the Registry. Please see how many you can find and get signed up.

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: May 16th, 2008, 2:11 pm
by FV80
OK - it's been a while - we've picked up a few more registrants and I've updated the list at the top of this thread accordingly. We're still looking for the rest of 'em. I have also added a few from the birthday party entry list. Keep your eyes peeled and TELL THEM about it if you come in contact.

FYI - current registry count is 291 and of those 140 list themselves as ACTIVE/SCCA/FV - I think we're still missing an awful lot of ACTIVE/SCCA/FV people out there.

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 5:34 pm
by rstackjd
BEen trying for two days now to register on the registry but the site seems to be down or messed up - I keep entering all the info only to get a "Site Cannot be Found" error.

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 5:56 pm
by FV80
Sorry - this problem occurs periodically for SOME reason that I have not yet been able to explain. Please keep trying. Even *I* can't register at this moment :-). If you have no luck and are tired of trying, you can alway send your data directly to me and I'll enter you directly into the database.

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: July 19th, 2008, 8:48 pm
by rstackjd
Ok - if I can't get it done by Monday I'll shoot you an e-mail

Re: Missing Registry members

Posted: July 20th, 2008, 7:41 am
by rstackjd
Finally got it to take - I'm in!