GLDiv for 2009

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Dayle Frame

GLDiv for 2009

Post by Dayle Frame »

Attention GLDiv drivers:

This past season has been an unqualified disaster. Low car counts, cancelled races.....the list goes on and on. Changes have to made in how we (the division, the regions, the tracks and the drivers) organize, run and participate races. But what changes? What do racers want? You're the customer so what changes do you want to see?

First, while I may wear many hats during the year in SCCA (GLDiv webmaster, WMR Director, National Competition License, Divisional F&C License, yadda, yadda, yadda), I make this post as a driver. I want races with more entrants so we have better competition (who wants to race by themselves?). I'd like to see our races spread out across the calendar as well. For the record, in no way is this post sanctioned by, or done with knowledge of, my region or my division. I speak for myself. All that being said, I give you the following data points. Some are assumptions, some after facts and some are guesses as to what the future may hold. They are listed below for you consideration.

These are my assumptions:
1. Car counts at nationals was way down this season because so many drivers knew they weren't go to the Runoffs that they bagged the whole season.
2. The economy is really hurting in our area and there are a lot of cars sitting in garages until it gets better.
3. I know a lot of drivers who refuse to go to IRP due to its condition. Its just too harsh on equipment. We know the region puts on a good race but they just won't go.
4. Mid-Ohio is just so expensive that regions cannot afford to do business there in this economic climate (low car counts).

These are the facts:
1. INR was forced to cancel their April national at GingerMan due to a lack of entries.
2. Indy had low car counts at its first two events (spring double regional and summer national) and was forced to cancel its fall double regional.
3. DET/FWR had a poor turnout at its national at Grattan in May.
4. Bluegrass Raceway in northern KY will be holding regional races next summer with national(s) possible in 2010.
5. GingerMan Raceway is proposing modifications to its layout.
6. Cincy had 180+ cars at a double regional at M-O and, due to track expenses, that may not have been enough to make money.
7. We cannot get into a bidding war with marque clubs (PCA, BMWCCA, etc.) for track time. They will always win.

These are my speculations:
1. The Nelson Ledges sale is not complete and, therefore, NL may not be on our schedule next year as construction may be ongoing.
2. Due to large financial losses, several regions are contemplating scaling back their racing program.
3. Most racing regions are in no financial position to expand their program.

This all being said, what would draw you to more races next season? Do you think we need to run regional/national like some other divisions do? Would you like to see a double national? You're the ones paying the bills. You tell us what you expect out of your divisional and regional personnel. Please go to the GLDiv site and voice your opinion on the forums page. If you have not already joined the site, please do so (because you need to be a member in order to post on the forum). The divisional brass will be watching so your ideas will be heard. No reasonable ideas will be dismissed. Who knows, maybe you do have all the answers.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (frameh at msu dot edu, 517.889.1117).

Thanks for your time,
Dayle Frame
Doug Kyr
Posts: 22
Joined: October 31st, 2006, 11:14 am

Re: GLDiv for 2009

Post by Doug Kyr »

I am extremely disappointed that there are only two races per year at Mid Ohio that I can run my FV. I starting racing in 1996 when I lived in Cleveland and there was a whole bunch of regionals at MO. I moved to Northeast and then back to Cincinnati and there are virtually no FVs here. Adding insult to injury I read in the Cincinnati Region newsletter how wonderful thier IT Spectacular event was. I quote our regional exec Bill Niemeyer Jr writing in the newsletter: "I did not have one negative comment the whole weekend on the PDX or the IT/Spectacular other than a guy whose class was not invited. I suggested he organize his fellow racers so he can be invited next year." I wasn't the guy but what the f? I own one of the most popular classes in SCCA but because I live in "the black hole of FV" I have to organize my buddies to be invited to a race?!!! Mr. Niemeyer can go F himself. WIth a capital F. Continuing to piss me off the newsletter goes on to say: "We held the national record for participants at a PDX last year at 107 and we blew that away this year with over 175. The Cincinnati region is the envy of the SCCA when it comes to putting on these important events that provide an inexpensive, low risk way of introducing road racing."

Looks like NASA has three races at MO plus an enduro and two races at Putnam Park! Maybe I will switch to a class that races in NASA.

And you are right about car clubs. A friend of mine in the PCA was always buggin me to join him because I would get more track time.

Now, sell me as to why I should stay with the SCCA, as opposed to putting the burden on me to convince you to invite me to a race.


Doug Kyr
Posts: 201
Joined: July 17th, 2006, 8:53 pm

Re: GLDiv for 2009

Post by billinstuart »

I am no longer involved in SCCA, although I'll always have a soft spot for Vees. I'm not sure about your region specific conditions, but for me, the "fun" factor has slowly and subtley disappeared. True, expenses have gone up, but "seat time" has gone down at the same time. Simply, too many classes and enduros that eat up track time. As pointed out, IT is much more popular now, and management only caters to the classes that bring in money.

SCCA has lost its focus and is floundering. The increase in fuel costs/travel may be the final straw for many involved in all classes of racing. The reduction in entries causes tracks become unprofitable unless they can diversify into other sources of income..drag racing, tire testing, karts,...

This issue comes up frequently, and there appears to be no definitive solution. Maybe it IS time for another organization to become dominate in amateur racing, or at least to promote the open wheel classes separate from SCCA.
Dayle Frame

Re: GLDiv for 2009

Post by Dayle Frame »

Doug Kyr wrote:I am extremely disappointed that there are only two races per year at Mid Ohio that I can run my FV. I starting racing in 1996 when I lived in Cleveland and there was a whole bunch of regionals at MO. I moved to Northeast and then back to Cincinnati and there are virtually no FVs here. Adding insult to injury I read in the Cincinnati Region newsletter how wonderful thier IT Spectacular event was. I quote our regional exec Bill Niemeyer Jr writing in the newsletter: "I did not have one negative comment the whole weekend on the PDX or the IT/Spectacular other than a guy whose class was not invited. I suggested he organize his fellow racers so he can be invited next year." I wasn't the guy but what the f? I own one of the most popular classes in SCCA but because I live in "the black hole of FV" I have to organize my buddies to be invited to a race?!!! Mr. Niemeyer can go F himself. WIth a capital F. Continuing to piss me off the newsletter goes on to say: "We held the national record for participants at a PDX last year at 107 and we blew that away this year with over 175. The Cincinnati region is the envy of the SCCA when it comes to putting on these important events that provide an inexpensive, low risk way of introducing road racing."

Looks like NASA has three races at MO plus an enduro and two races at Putnam Park! Maybe I will switch to a class that races in NASA.

And you are right about car clubs. A friend of mine in the PCA was always buggin me to join him because I would get more track time.

Now, sell me as to why I should stay with the SCCA, as opposed to putting the burden on me to convince you to invite me to a race.


Doug Kyr
I, too, am disappointed with these 'restricted regionals' as they disenfranchise classes that make the SCCA what it is today. I will try to move against them for the future.

We (GLDIv and the regions) are going to work very hard to get our house in order. I posted this same topic on the SM, SRF, prod, GT, S2, CSR/DSR and ApexSpeed boards. We have gotten a lot of positive feedback which we will use to generate a better product next year.

If you think NASA is the place to go, try it. I'm a prod racer and I know dozens of guys who have tried it once or twice and are completely disgusted with them. Yes you get a lot of track time but their safety record is appalling. The track is constantly hot so there is no down time for workers. If you can live with that (and I use those words on purpose) then try it and report your findings to this board.

Thanks for your input,
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