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harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 9:28 am
by 96vee
has anyone have any news on harry mcmahon's condition from the accident during saturday's qualifing race .when we left summit point around 4pm sunday,we were told harry was in a coma induced by his doctors and also had a broken pelvis among other bangs and bruises.our thoughts and prayers go out to harry and his family. bill connery,bill and mary young.

Re: harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: April 23rd, 2009, 10:40 am
by rphillips
Anne Callihan of the DC Region has been updating the MARRS FV List. Here is her latest update which she sent yesterday.

He just had surgery to repair the pelvic fracture, and will now be able to set off metal detectors! They expect to have him up and walking around in a few more days. The breathing tube will probably come out tomorrow. When he is awake, he is very frustrated because he can't talk, but he does respond to commands. Once he is out of trauma ICU, which we're guessing will be sometime after the breathing tube comes out, he will be able to have visitors. Linda sounds very good and will be very happy to get him out of the hospital!

Ray Phillips

Re: harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: April 25th, 2009, 6:05 pm
by rhaynes93
What happened? I believe I met him a few years ago at VIR.

Re: harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: April 26th, 2009, 4:33 pm
by rphillips
I wasn't there but as I understand it Harry and another driver interlocked wheels going down the chute at Summit Point. Harry's car was launched very high into the air and landed on it's nose but then wound up on it's roll bar and skided down the track. Harry's helmet came off in the process.


Re: harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: May 5th, 2009, 4:04 pm
by Steven McWilliams JR
My father had a similar crash like that in his Continental (locked wheels with a FF down chute), but cartwheeled accross the tire walls.
my thoughts and prayers go out to Harry's recovery, and may it be quick.

How About an Update

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 6:38 pm
by grimes34
How About an Update

Re: harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 9:10 pm
by rphillips
This is the last update from Anne Callihan on the MARRS FV email list. This was posted on 5/13 and Anne is currently out of town.

GREAT NEWS! Barring any sudden change in his condition, Harry is going home tomorrow!

Physically, he's in pretty good shape. Home based therapy (provided by the hospital) will continue for some time until he is well enough for outpatient therapy, most likely in Hagerstown. Mentally, they're saying it could be 6 months to a year before his memory is back to where it was - or whatever the new normal will be!

Both Harry and Linda are extremely excited about his homecoming. But he will require 24-hour supervision, so that will put some strain on the family caregivers.

Ray Phillips

Re: harry mcmahon/summit sat apr 18th

Posted: May 21st, 2009, 9:19 pm
by grimes34
Thankx Ray,
Sounds very bad !, I hope he can make a full recovery.
