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Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 12:17 am
by 1969zeitler
I am looking at what I need to do to run my 1969 Zeitler in one or more of the Vintage Groups. Florida has a large Vintage Group in the SCCA and they have Classes at Daytona and Sebring, 2 excellent trcks to learn on. The cost to attend the driving schools is about what it costs to run a race at the track so I see the advantage as being low price and good tracks to train on. The downside is that is may take a year or more to get thru the training before you can qualify for the competition license. The commercial training schools seem to get you thru quicker but at a much higher cost with some costing $4000 or more. My goal is to be able to get my FV ready for the 50th Anniversary at Roebling Road in 4 years so I have some time but I would rather spend the money on getting my car prepared. Are these 2 options the only ones available? Is there a quick but reasonable cost option? Thanks.

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 9:50 am
by remmers
How much racing experience do you have prior to your Zeitler? If you've held a different license before or have other racing experience, sometimes SCCA schools will sign you off to go racing after a single 6-hr school. Depends on if they think you've still got it and actually got all your track time in, I think. If you've got 4 years to get your regional license (or really even just your novice permit), perhaps you should consider spread getting your license out over the maximum allowed time frame. I wouldn't bother with a professional school unless you are in a big hurry to get signed off. (As they can even sign you off for a national license in one school if they see fit) The other difference is in the SCCA school, you supply your own car. So if your Zeitler isn't ready for annual tech, you'll have to rent a car, which is why the professional schools are so much more expensive. They supply you a car for the school.
So I guess the bottom line is if you have your own car and aren't in a rush to get to the runoffs, go with an SCCA school. Otherwise, weigh the costs of renting and SCCA vs. just doing a pro school. In some cases you'll still need to do two pro schools to get signed off to go racing on your permit.

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 10:55 am
by Veefan
The SCCA schools are great, and if your lucky the instructors you get will be Vee drivers! One tip... if you do not have a crew... you should rent a car for school. It increases your costs, but its still about 1/3 the costs of a professional school.

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 11:06 am
by fv195
I did the double school at Roebling before the 45th party. It is a great school. cost efficent and you learn the track you plan on racing at. I could even be talked into crewing for you. any questions, just ask.

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 11:17 am
by jmattox
I can speak highly of the CFR SCCA schools. Even though I broke (rear brake drum, carry a spare) during July, I finished at Savanna in February. Started in April at Daytona, attempted Sebring in July and completed school in Savannah. My son started in Feb in Savannah and completed in July at Sebring. I now have a national license and run pretty much at the rear of the pack. My son, same car, has his regional and should get his national this year. We started 4 years ago when I drove from Tampa to Boston and picked up our first race car in 05. Wrecked in 07 (thanks to a sp(wr)ec ford running into the back of me because I had a broken throttle cable, but that is another story) bought our current car a month later. Missed the 45th, but plan on being at the 50th.

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 9:14 pm
by 1969zeitler
Wow! Sounds like the SCCA School is the way to go. They are racing at Daytona next weekend and I plan on going there to check it out. I only live about 30 minutes away. Maybe I can find someone who is driving a Vintage VEE there. Thanks for all the great advice.

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 1st, 2009, 9:31 pm
by rgr1racing

Check and reply to your PM :lol:

Re: Drivers Schools

Posted: August 2nd, 2009, 8:59 pm
by 1969zeitler
I just wanted to thank everyone for their input and advice. I called the person in charge of new members in the Central Florida Region SCCA (a very nice lady named Joyce Hayward) and found she only lived a few miles from me. She let me come to her home and I am now an official member of CFR (Thanks Joyce!!). I am hoping to attend the double drivers school in February and get it done in one weekend at Roebing Road. It looks like a very concentrated school over 4 days but I am already looking forward to it. I have the fall and early winter to get my car finished, thru tech and ready to go racing. Thanks as well to John Mattox who gave me some really great advice on the phone and asked me to come meet the FV group this weekend at Daytona. Now that I am a SCCA Member, I can get in and will take him up on his offer to show me around. On top of that, John has offered to not only give me a set of tires, but to deliver them to my house and look over my car for me. Way above and beyond for sure. If the rest of the folks are like Joyce and John, I will have a long and happy future with CFR-SCCA. Thanks!