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Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 22nd, 2012, 1:03 pm
by brian
There's been some rumors about folks having the REM polishing treatment or manual polishing done to their vee transmissions. It has long been held that since this modification is specifically not spelled out, per C.1.B. paragraphs 2 & 3, that it was illegal. How about an opinion?

Re: Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 11:49 am
by tiagosantos
Isn't there a rule about not removing metal or something like that?

I'm sure a lot of stuff gets done to our cars that are not specified in the rules and probably shouldn't be done, but..

Re: Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 1:21 pm
by SOseth
brian wrote:There's been some rumors about folks having the REM polishing treatment or manual polishing done to their vee transmissions. It has long been held that since this modification is specifically not spelled out, per C.1.B. paragraphs 2 & 3, that it was illegal. How about an opinion?
We discussed this issue a couple of months ago. As a committee we felt this was a practice that we could not support, fully recognizing that more than a few transmissions currently have had this work done.

Personally I don't know how this could be policed if the rules specifically outlawed this procedure. From the beginning of FV competitors have engaged in any number of practices to free up these transmissions from using toothpaste to valve lapping compound to REM polishing. I suppose a rule could specifically outlaw this practice but I don't think it could be effectively enforced, plus I think it would adversely affect a lot more people than we imagine. Again my personal opinion.


Re: Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 1:51 pm
by brian
A quick peek in the fill hole will answer a lot of questions. Because something illegal has been done, and it would cost someone money to be compliant, is no reason not to enforce the rule. I wanted to post the question since many newer arrivals to the class don't wish to recognize the first rule of vees. "If it doesn't say you can do it, you can't do it." or as the GCR says, "Formula Vee is a RESTRICTED CLASS, Therefore, any allowable modification, change or additions are as stated herein."

Re: Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 23rd, 2012, 5:34 pm
by SOseth
IMO simply looking through the fill hole of a transmission will not necessarily provide information that would or could lead to technical enforcement. We could have/should have applied your same reasoning to the offset link pins bushings we are using and alternate front shock mounts. We used them for years before it was thought prudent to write them into the rules.


Re: Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 9:46 am
by problemchild
How would you ever enforce that?
Even with complete disassembly .... how is the tech inspector going to prove

A) That I used a buffing wheel to polish some gears.
B) That I had everything REMed.
C) That I had bearings and/or gears treated with magic slippery potion.
D) That I own a loose old transmission, naturally polished from years of use.

While I totally agree in principle, unless someone is grinding, drilling, machining away material .... the rule is not enforceable, IMO.
In this case, the horse has been out of the barn for 48 1/2 years. Not much chance of getting him back in.

Re: Polishing and REM treatments for Trannies

Posted: March 26th, 2012, 1:54 pm
by brian
It's quite easy to see since normal wear does not make everything shiney and doesn't flare out the base intersections of the gears. REM treatments make the entire gear shiney not just the wear points. Any coatings will generally have a color to them which is not found on stock parts. I may be an exception since I've been building trannies for many years but it's quite easy to see. I'm concerned about rule creep and thought a bit of dialog on the forum may save someone some money and a mistake regarding the rules. No biggey :lol: