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Is data really worth it?

Posted: November 7th, 2012, 4:37 pm
by JBlock
Is data really worth it? You be the judge!

There are plenty of cars out there with some sort of data system on them. Sadly, the majority of the time it gets used as a fancy dash to replace gauges or used as an over glorified stopwatch. In these cases the expense is questionable.

However, even a modest data system can reap huge rewards when used properly with a little training. For example, a week ago with only one hour's guidance a racer reported "broke my best time by .8sec yesterday! ie 1.18.48!! crazy...especially as tires were same as last time." Routinely racers are reporting new personal best times, wins and new records, all because they looked at the data after learning what to look for and how to apply it on the race track.

This is the perfect time of year to investigate data and go faster next year. For more info go to